How To Make Passive Income On The Internet

Top 7 Reasons Why WordPress Rocks for Websites

When I created my first website I did it from ‘scratch’. That means I hand-coded every line of the site in HTML coding. It was time-consuming, pain-staking and some times down right frustrating.

Many years have passed and these days getting your website up is NOT the hard part. WordPress makes it very easy to get a site up in a matter of minutes (I timed myself one day and had a site up and ready to post to in 10 minutes!)

Sure there are still older, more costly and more complicated ways of building a website but why bother when WordPress is ALL that you need?

Here are 7 Reasons Why WordPress is Best:

1. Install in MINUTES – your website can literally be up in it’s most basic format in a matter of minutes. This involves using a great host like Bluehost and they’re three-click installation.

2. It’s FREE – Oh yeah, you don’t pay a cent for this highly advanced website and blog software. Is that Cool or what?!

3. It’s a Website – If you want just a website WordPress can be that.

4. It’s a Blog – If you want just a blog, WordPress also can be that. OR if you want a WordPress and blog combined you can do that too.

5. It’s Got RSS – If you’re not familiar with RSS the most important thing for you to understand here is this: By setting up your site or blog with RSS you allow people to ‘subscribe’ to your content and get updated automatically whenever you add something new.

6. It’s Extremely Flexible – There are thousands upon thousands of add-ons called ‘plugins’ that you can get for WordPress and make it do just about anything you can dream of. From stopping spam, adding audio to automatically updating your site and more.

7.It’s Easily Customized – Again, there are thousands of WordPress ‘themes’ available that allow you to create a very customized look without paying thousands for a completely custom site.

The important thing to understand is that WordPress is not just for blogs. It can be a very powerful website design program. And another bonus is that you can edit your site anywhere at any time! No need to wait on website designers or worry about what files are the most recent – it’s all online for easy access.

So there you have seven reasons why WordPress just plain rocks for websites, blogs or both.

If you want some examples of what else it can do and if you’re ready to learn how to set up your own or your clients sites then join me as I teach you in this online video, webinar and email coaching program everything you need to know about creating rocking websites and blogs with WordPress.

4 Reasons Why SEO Strategies Fail

The practice of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is feared by some internet marketers as it is seen to be an intricate process and usually yields very little results. SEO companies will also intimidate you with this type of thinking because they want your business. This may or may not be your experience as an internet marketer. However one thing is true, as much as Search Engine Optimization strategies work, there are as many failures. If you intend to be successful at your SEO strategies you need to know why they fail.

Here are some reasons for SEO strategy failure:

Keyword stuffing

If you’ve been on the internet for any length of time and working on your SEO strategies, you would have come across the statement that content is king. But it’s not just that content is king, quality content is king. So if you’re overusing keywords in poor quality content that’s a surefire way to get your site banned by the search engines, not to mention it’s a good way to turn off your customers. They are looking for useful information not junk and if you can provide that then, you have half the SEO battle won. Currently according to SEO rules, your keyword density shouldn’t exceed 3-4% of your total content. Some people prefer to play it safe and not go past 3%.

SEO can’t revive a dying business

You shouldn’t waste your time on SEO strategies if your business is dying. If it can’t pay its debts, is unable to perform its day to day functions and is facing bankruptcy or other issues, then all SEO efforts employed at this stage will be futile. Your efforts will be better spent concentrated on other things, maybe doing market research to start a new business.

Reputation management issues

Word of mouth is still a powerful advertising tool today as it was way back then. It’s no different on the internet either maybe it’s even more so.  With all the social sites and forums around, customers have instant access to voice their discontent. Personally I don’t buy a product without doing extensive research on the seller. If customers are dissatisfied with your company others are going to hear about it. Complaints and negative reviews can hurt your business. If your business has more links for negative reviews and reports than for its SEO links, the search engines will pay more attention to those links. Then even with best SEO strategy, your business could still decrease in rankings and possibly come off the page in the search engines.

 Failure to include SEO strategies in website changes

Let’s say you embarked on an SEO campaign, to build links for example. During the process you make changes to the site to accommodate the campaign, but you failed to use the SEO strategies in the new changes. Bad move! Your site could have a significant decrease in page ranking which could lead to a reduction in website traffic. So what’s the lesson from this point? Always remember to include search engine optimization strategies when updating your websites.

It’s not always easy to pinpoint why SEO strategies fail. Every marketer wants their SEO efforts to be successful. One of the ways to ensure success is to avoid making the same mistakes of others by learning from theirs. So if you’re going to know what works it’s imperative that you have an understanding of why SEO fails.

For more solutions to your SEO problems in an easy step-by-step action guide click this link

5 Ways to Increase Your Profits with Mailing Lists

Do you have a mailing list? When was the last time you had a look at how profitable the list is for you and made sure everything was up to date?

You’re likely one of the many people who’ve set up their list, got busy, and then forgot about it for a while. There are many things you can do right now to start making more money with your mailing list.

1. List Checkup – Go through every single message you have in your autoresponder series. This may take you a while to get through if you have a lot of messages set up, but it’s worth it.

When I switched my website format over to a WordPress site I deleted a lot of the pages from my other design. I had my autoresponder setup to refer to articles on my older site and with the update these were out of date and needed fixing, so I had to go back in and change the links. If your series of messages are too long and it’s just too much to handle by yourself hire a VA to help.

2. Opt-in Location – Do people know about your list? Don’t assume everyone will find you because you have an opt-in box in one or two locations on your website.

When setting up your list and describing it you’ll want to make sure that you deliver exactly what you offer then and beyond. A bullet-point list works well to let people know what your list offers without requiring too much of their attention to get them to read.

Many people make their list stand out by offering  a free ebook or report for signing up. Other ideas are to offer an audio or a video. Whatever you offer make sure it is of high valuable and something that makes signing up for your list irresistible.

3. Add Landing Pages – You should be using double opt-ins to make sure your list has really requested to sign up. After the initial sign-up you will be able to direct them to a landing page. Make sure the landing page they come to grabs their attention and tells them to confirm, you could use something like this:

“IMPORTANT: Please check your email inbox and confirm your subscription so that we can send you the information you requested.”

Use that landing page to make an offer on your own product or offer an affiliate product. Or if you have a service based-business and want them to get to know you better, direct them to your articles page.

Once they confirm, in the email you will be given another opportunity to create a specific landing page. Use that page to make another offer, or lead them to your website to read more information or articles.

You’ve got people’s attention once they get to your landing page and they HAVE to go somewhere once they’re done – it might as well be somewhere you can suggest, so that you benefit from it.

4. Promote – Think of the places where you promote your list. Is it just in one little box on your website? There are many other places you should be using to promote your mailing list.

-Write articles that you submit to directories that have a bio leading to your opt-in page.
-Make a special offer in your signature on forums (if they allow it)
-Add a signature to your emails that tells people why they need to sign up for your list
-Blog about your list and why they should join it

5. Contact as Often as Possible – You’ve heard this before but it’s time for a reminder. If your prospects don’t hear from you on a regular basis then they will forget about you and why they signed up in the first place.

How often you contact them will depend on what your list is about but it’s often said that you must be making contact at least once a month if you want to be remembered. Many topics will require you to contact your list once a week and this is perfectly acceptable to them because they asked for this information.

Are you ready to get your mailing list up and running so it can help generate more profits? Then join me as I walk you step-by-step through the process of building your list, creating a freebie, and getting more sign-ups.